Abstract #2020
Semi-Laser 5D Echo-Planar J-Resolved Spectroscopic Imaging: Pilot validation in Prostate Cancer
Zohaib Iqbal 1 , Neil E. Wilson 1 , Rajakumar Nagarajan 1 , Daniel A. Margolis 1 , Robert E. Reiter 2 , Steven S. Raman 1 , and Michael Albert Thomas 1
Radiological Sciences, University of
California - Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California,
United States,
University of California - Los Angeles, Los Angeles,
California, United States
The purpose of this study was to validate a five
dimensional spectroscopic imaging technique (3 spatial
and 2 spectral dimensions) utilizing semi-Laser 180
pulses, called semi-Laser 5D Echo-Planar J-Resolved
Spectroscopic Imaging (5D EP-JRESI), in the prostate of
healthy volunteers and prostate cancer patients. This
technique provides full coverage of the prostate. The
results show that qualitative differences in the
two-dimensional spectra (differences in citrate and
choline) can be seen between a healthy location and an
unhealthy location in a prostate cancer patient. This
technique will continue to be evaluated in a larger
number of healthy volunteers and cancer patients.
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