Abstract #1914
Manganese Accumulations in Brain and Toenails reflect Different Time Periods of Exposure
Chien-Lin Yeh 1,2 , Eric Ward 1 , Sandy Snyder 1 , Frank Rosenthal 1 , and Ulrike Dydak 1,2
School of Health Sciences, Purdue
University, West Lafayette, Indiana, United States,
and Imaging Sciences, Indiana University School of
Medicine, Indianapolis, Indiana, United States
High exposure to manganese (Mn) causes motor impairments
closely resembling Parkinsons disease. Using R1
relaxation rate mapping we investigated the relationship
between Mn deposition in the brain of welders with Mn
accumulation in toenails. A significant correlation was
found between R1 and Mn exposure in the past 3 months,
but no correlation was found between toenail Mn and R1.
Since toenail Mn is known to best reflect exposure 7-12
months ago, our results demonstrate that R1 in certain
brain regions and toenail Mn accumulation may both serve
as biomarkers of exposure to Mn, reflecting different
time periods of exposure.
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