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Abstract #1633

Fast simultaneous temperature and displacement imaging during HIFU ablation in swine liver

Pierre Bour 1 , Fabrice Marquet 1 , Solenn Toupin 1,2 , Matthieu Lepetit-coiff 2 , and Bruno Quesson 1

1 L'Institut de RYthmologie et de Modlisation Cardiaque, Bordeaux, Aquitaine, France, 2 SIEMENS-Healthcare, Saint-Denis, le-de-France, France

MR guided HIFU allows non-invasive thermal ablation of soft tissues. This abstract proposes to monitor simultaneously temperature and displacement induced at the focus with sub-second sequence integrating a bipolar gradient with alternating polarities and a synchronized blank of the HIFU sonication. This method has been validated ex vivo and applied in vivo on swine liver: During sonication a decrease of measured displacement along with an increase of temperature was measured. This method allows measurements of changes of mechanical properties of targeted tissue that could give additional relevant information on the extent of the induced lesion.

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temperatureliverdisplacementablationtissuein vivothermalgradientswineencodinglesionmonitoringrealslicesultrasoundacquisitionadditionalallowsbottomcoronaldissection