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Abstract #1367

Metabolic and microstructural alterations associated with individual differences in trait anxiety: Preliminary evidence from Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and DTI based tractography study

Subash Khushu 1 , Shilpi Modi 1 , Poonam Rana 1 , and Richa Trivedi 1

1 NMR Research Centre, Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences, Delhi, Delhi, India

Trait anxiety affects brain functioning and cognition as suggested by various neuroimaging and behavioural studies. In order to identify individuals that are at risk for the development of clinical anxiety disorders and depression, identifying hallmarks of trait anxiety becomes important, to fascilitate timely preventive interventions. Based on our invivo 1H MRS and diffusion tensor Tractography findings we suggest that the alterations in neurometabolite levels in Anterior Cingulate Cortex and strength of the two major white matter fibres of the limbic system namely uncinate fasciculus and fornix, in relation with the trait anxiety levels may be possible markers of trait anxiety.

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