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Abstract #1089

Optimisation of b-value Distribution for Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) Imaging of Breast Cancer with Clinical Results

Nina L. Purvis 1 , Peter Gibbs 2 , Martin D. Pickles 2 , and Lindsay W. Turnbull 2

1 Centre for MR Investigations, Hull York Medical School, Hull, East Yorkshire, United Kingdom, 2 Centre for MR Investigations, University of Hull at HYMS, Hull, East Yorkshire, United Kingdom

An investigation to find an optimised clinical b-value protocol for IVIM imaging in breast lesions and its application. B-value schemes were generated using exponential and power-law spacing then the Cramer-Rao Lower Bound of IVIM parameters was calculated. A b-value scheme was chosen based on a figure of merit to balance the relative errors of the parameters. Data was fitted using mono and bi-exponential models. The RMSEs indicated that the biexponential fit was better. The results agree well with previously reported values. The b-value scheme samples low b-values well, and allows an acceptable amount of NEX for a short scan duration.

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