Abstract #0847
Utility of combined Ga-68 DOTA-TOC PET and Eovist MRI utilizing PET/MRI
Thomas A Hope 1 , Carina Mari Aparici 1 , Eric Nakakura 2 , Henry VanBrocklin 1 , Miguel Hernandez Pampaloni 1 , James Slater 1 , Salma Jivan 1 , Judy Yee 1 , and Emily Bergsland 3
Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, UCSF, San
Francisco, CA, United States,
of Surgery, UCSF, San Francisco, CA, United States,
of Medicine, UCSF, San Francisco, CA, United States
We have evaluated the combined modality PET/MRI for
imaging of patients with hepatic metastasis from
neuroendocrine tumor. Patients were imaged using Ga-68
labeled DOTA-TOC in conjuction with gadoxetate disodium
as an MR contrast agent. Preliminary data demonstrates
that PET/MRI is at least equivalent to PET/CT, with
likely improved detection of hepatic lesions on
hepatobiliary phase imaging.
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