Abstract #0794
Comparison of ASL inversion efficiency and CBF quantification for 3 perfusion techniques at 3 magnetic fields
Clement Stephan Debacker 1,2 , Jan M Warnking 1,3 , Sacha Koehler 2 , Jerome Voiron 2 , and Emmanuel L Barbier 1,3
GIN, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble, France,
BioSpin MRI, Ettlingen, Germany,
INSERM, Grenoble, France
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the
reproducibility across magnetic field of cerebral blood
flow (CBF) quantification using Arterial Spin Labeling
(ASL) methods. Three ASL methods (pulsed ASL (PASL),
continuous ASL (CASL), and pseudo-continuous ASL
(pCASL)) were evaluated at 4.7, 7, and 11.7T in 43 rats.
Among the three techniques evaluated, pCASL appears as
the most reproducible method across magnetic fields.
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