Abstract #0759
Theoretical and Experimental Comparisons of Single Breath-Hold Renal Perfusion Imaging between 3T and 7T
Xiufeng Li 1 , Edward J. Auerbach 1 , Pierre-Francois Van de Moortele 1 , Kamil Ugurbil 1 , and Gregory J. Metzger 1
Radiology-CMRR, University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, MN, United States
Previous study has demonstrated the feasibility of
single breath-hold renal perfusion imaging using FAIR
ss-FSE at 7T. Without short-term specific absorption
rate issue, 3T may provide similar imaging quality for
the single breath-hold perfusion imaging as 7T by using
a shorter TR and a larger number of label and control
images. Such a hypothesis has been disapproved by both
theoretical and experimental study results.
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