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Abstract #0736

The Impact of Ebselen Administration on Brain myo-Inositol Concentration

Uzay E Emir 1 , Nisha Singh 2,3 , Ann Sharpley 3 , Charles Masaki 3 , Sridhar Vasudevan 2 , Peter Jezzard 1 , Phil Cowen 3 , and Grant Churchill 2

1 University of Oxford, FMRIB Centre, Oxford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom, 2 University of Oxford, Department of Pharmacology, Oxford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom, 3 University of Oxford, Department of Psychiatry, Oxford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom

Bipolar disorder (BPD) is a relatively common psychiatric disorder for which lithium is the gold standard of treatment but it has a number of side-effects which require careful monitoring of plasma levels of the drug. A drug, ebselen, that mimics the effect of lithium but without its side-effects has been recently reported. In this study, we assessed if ebselen reduces brain inositol levels, compared to placebo using magnetic resonance spectroscopy.

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