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Abstract #0417

In Vivo pH Imaging of Mouse Kidneys Using a Frequency-Dependent paraCEST Agent

Yunkou Wu 1 , Shanrong Zhang 1 , Todd C Soesbe 1 , and A. Dean Sherry 1,2

1 Advanced Imaging Research Center, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, United States, 2 Department of Chemistry, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX, United States

This study is to explore the feasibility of using a frequency-dependent paraCEST agent for in vivo pH imaging of mouse kidneys. CEST signals were acquired with a steady state gradient echo pulse sequence. The B0 magnetic field inhomogeneities were corrected using WASSR method. Kidney pH maps were derived by following the resonance frequencies of the paraCEST agent signals. The pH maps show the expected pH gradient across the renal cortex, medulla and pelvis in healthy mice. This studies provide a direct measure of Kidney pH maps without the prior knowledge of the paraCEST contrast agent concentration in vivo.

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agentagentsin vivocontrastinjectionexchangechemicalkidneykidneysmapsrenalsaturationwaterfrequencyinhomogeneitymeasurepostprotonsresponsivetissueconcentration