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Abstract #0354

Spin-lock functional MRI at low locking fields shows improved microvascular specificity

Swati Rane 1 , John T Spear 1 , Carlos Faraco 1 , Manus Donahue 1,2 , and John C Gore 1,3

1 Radiology and Radiological Sciences, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States, 2 Neurology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States, 3 Biomedical Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States

This work investigates the microvascular specificity of T1 ρ functional magnetic resonance imaging at very low locking fields. Compared to conventional spin and gradient echo, we find that relative to the tissue BOLD contrast, BOLD signal in large vessels is better suppressed with T1 ρ functional imaging.

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