Abstract #0008
The role of myelin geometry on magnetic susceptibility-driven frequency shifts: toward realistic geometries
Tianyou Xu 1 , Sean Foxley 1 , Michiel Kleinnijenhuis 1 , and Karla Miller 1
Oxford Centre for Functional Magnetic
Resonance Imaging of the Brain, University of Oxford,
Oxford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
This work investigates the role that the geometry of
myelin has on susceptibility driven frequency shifts in
white matter. Packed axons, representative of axon
bundles, capture important aspects of tissue
microstructure. Here we demonstrate via simulation that
axonal shape has a nontrivial effect on the underlying
distribution of proton frequencies and on the free
induction decay signal magnitude and phase. To bridge
simulation with physical reality, we derive a structural
template from electron microscopy in excised white
matter, which is then used to forward calculate the
frequency distribution and signal.
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