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Abstract #4503

Development of a hindered-diffusion-dominant DTI phantom made of polyethylene fibers: Comparison with a restricted-diffusion phantom.

Atsushi Tachibana 1 , Takayuki Obata 1 , Yasuhiko Tachibana 1 , Hiroshi Kawaguchi 2 , Jeff Kershaw 2 , Ichio Aoki 2 , Hiroshi Ito 2 , and Hiroshi Tsuji 1

1 Research Center for Charged Particle Therapy, National Institute of Radiological Sciences, Chiba-shi, Chiba, Japan, 2 Molecular Imaging Center, National Institute of Radiological Sciences, Chiba-shi, Chiba, Japan

This study investigates the diffusion characteristics of our newly developed DTI phantom made of bundled polyethylene fibers (Dyneema (Dy)), in comparison to a conventionally used glass made phantom with micro capillaries (capillary plates (CP)). Dy was less sensitive to diffusion time, implying that the water diffusion is hindered rather than restricted. Dy also had b-value dependent signal attenuation more similar to that in vivo tissue, and was much less expensive than CP. These suggest that Dy is a better phantom for DTI QC than CPs.

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diffusionphantomattenuationcharacteristicsdependentrestrictedhinderedin vivophantomsdominantfiberspolyethylenewaterclinicaljapanresolutionsensitivetableanisotropyaxisborecapillariescapillarycodedcolorcurvecylindrical