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Abstract #4460

The importance of correcting for B0-drift-induced global signal decrease in diffusion MRI

Sjoerd B. Vos 1 , Chantal M.W. Tax 1 , Fredy Visser 2 , Peter R. Luijten 2 , Alexander Leemans 1 , and Martijn Froeling 2

1 Image Sciences Institute, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2 Department of Radiology, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands

B0-drift-induced global signal decrease in DWI data causes a significant influence on the estimation of diffusion parameters. Quantitative diffusion metrics (FA and mean kurtosis) as well as directional information (first eigenvectors in DTI) are affected by this artifactual signal decrease during the scan session. By interspersing the non-diffusion-weighted images throughout the session, the signal decrease can be estimated and compensated before processing, minimizing the detrimental effects on all further analyses.

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