Abstract #3704
Practical Considerations for Toroidal Transceive Interventional Device Visualization
Maryam Etezadi-Amoli 1 , Pascal Stang 1 , Adam Kerr 1 , John Pauly 1 , and Greig Scott 1
Electrical Engineering, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA, United States
Previous work has demonstrated the feasibility of using
a toroidal transceive coil at 1.5T for visualizing
conductive interventional devices, such as guidewires
and EP ablation catheters. Here we investigate some of
the practical challenges of using this approach, such as
its compatibility with projection imaging, behavior with
longer device insertion lengths, and the effect on image
quality when the interventionist touches the device. We
also demonstrate the extendibility to higher field
strengths and a non-phantom setting by acquiring images
at 3T of an EP ablation catheter inserted in the
esophagus of a pig cadaver.
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