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Abstract #3703

In vivo accelerated, motion-corrected free-breathing 3T intravascular MRI

Shashank Sathyanarayana Hegde 1 , Yi Zhang 1,2 , and Paul A Bottomley 2,3

1 Radiology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, United States, 2 Electrical and Computer Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, United States, 3 Radiology, Johns Hopkins University, Maryland, United States

High-resolution intravascular (IV) MRI is susceptible to degradation from physiological motion, and requires high frame-rates for true endoscopy. Traditional cardiac gating techniques are inefficient in scan-time usage and reduce the effective frame rate. Here, sparse ungated radial sampling is combined with motion correction using frame-by-frame projection shifting based on a singularity at the probes location, to provide reduced motion sensitivity with up to a four-fold effective increase in image acquisition speed. We demonstrate free-breathing ~200m resolution in vivo intravascular MRI in rabbit aorta.

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motioncorrectionin vivoprobeprojection