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Abstract #2016

Multi-Modal Neuroimaging and Spectroscopy of Mild and Severe Traumatic Brain Injuries in Rodent Model

Sanjay K Verma 1 , Sankar Seramani 1 , Bhanu Prakash KN 1 , Jadegoud Yaligar 1 , Enci Mary Kan 2 , Kian Chye Ng 2 , Jia Lu 2 , and S Sendhil Velan 1,3

1 Laboratory of Molecular Imaging, Singapore Bioimaging Consortium, Singapore, Singapore, 2 Combat Protection and Performance Lab, DSO National Laboratories, Singapore, Singapore, 3 Clinical Imaging Research Centre, Singapore, Singapore

TBI is a serious and global public health issue. Fluid percussion injury in rats is a commonly used animal model simulating traumatic brain injuries. In this study, we investigated the metabolic changes by MRS, structural changes using DTI in hippocampus and changes in microvasculature by SWI in FPI based mild and severe TBI. Neuronal loss, membrane disruption is observed in mild and severe injuries by MRS. The structural changes and micro-vessel damage was observed by DTI and SWI respectively. The combined imaging and spectroscopic assessment provides valuable markers for investigating structure and metabolism in mild and severe injuries.

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