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Abstract #1409

Influence of patient motion in bone tissue maps obtained with ultra-short echo time MR

Patrick Veit-Haibach 1 , Michael Carl 2 , Mehdi Khalighi 2 , Florian Wiesinger 3 , Konstantinos Zeimpekis 1 , and Gaspar Delso 2

1 University Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland, 2 Global MR Applications & Workflow, GE Healthcare, WI, United States, 3 GE Global Research, Munich, Germany

Accurate mapping of the attenuation properties of patient tissue is instrumental for quantitative positron emission tomography (PET). In hybrid PET/MR scanners, this can be achieved using dedicated MR images to identify tissue classes of known attenuation (e.g. fat, lung, air). For the particular case of bone tissue, standard sequences are not adequate due to the fast T2* relaxation time. Ultra-short echo time (UTE) sequences have been reported to provide adequate bone tissue identification for the purposes of PET attenuation correction. These sequences do, however, require acquisition times in the order of 2 to 5 minutes to cover a typical PET station. Such long acquisition times increase the probability of patient movement occurring during the acquisition. In this study, we analyze the artifacts introduced by patient motion on the bone maps obtained with UTE.

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