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Abstract #3957

Impact of Acquisition Orientation on Whole Brain Metabolite Maps Obtained by Short Echo Time Echo Planar Spectroscopy Imaging (EPSI)

Angle Lecocq1, Yann Le Fur1, Andrew A. Maudsley2, Sulaiman Sheriff2, Mohammad Sabati2, Virginie Callot3, Monique Bernard4, Maxime Guye1, Jean-Philippe Ranjeva1

1CRMBM, CNRS, Aix-Marseille Univ, MARSEILLE, France; 2Department of radiology, Miller School of Medicine, University of Miami, MIAMI, FL, United States; 3Aix-Marseille University, MARSEILLE, France; 4Aix-Marseille Universit, MARSEILLE, France

One major MRSI limitation is the artifact related to magnetic susceptibility effects leading to metabolite map distortions and signal drop out. The use of a short echo time helps to reduce signal loss and minimize phase differences. This susceptibility artifact could also be minimized by the choice of the MRSI data orientation. We aimed here to evaluate the impact of MRSI orientation on quality of whole brain of major metabolites maps between acquisitions performed along the AC-PC line and along the AC-PC+15line using a recent whole brain MRSI sequence called Echo Planar Spectroscopy Imaging (EPSI) with short echo time (20ms).
