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Abstract #3919

Hyperpolarised 13C MRS on a 3T Clinical Platform: Kinetic Modelling of Pyruvate-Lactate Exchange Provides a Sensitive Measure of Response to Dichloroacetate in HT29 Xenografts

Deborah K. Hill1, Jessica K.R. Boult1, Rafal Panek1, Harold G. Parkes1, Matthew R. Orton1, Anne-Christine L.F. Wong Te Fong1, Maysam Jafar1, Simon P. Robinson1, Martin O. Leach1, Thomas R. Eykyn1, 2, Yuen-Li Chung1

1CR-UK and EPSRC Cancer Imaging Centre, The Institute of Cancer Research and Royal Marsden NHS Trust, Sutton, Surrey, United Kingdom; 2Division of Imaging Sciences and Biomedical Engineering, Kings College London, St Thomas Hospital, London, United Kingdom

Clinical MR platforms offer superior hardware advances, larger available field of view and clinically relevant field strengths. The lower field strengths are particularly advantageous for Dynamic Nuclear Polarisation studies, where hyperpolarised signals decay more slowly, increasing the time available for data acquisition. In this study we have developed and acquired apparent hyperpolarised [1-13C]pyruvate-[1-13C]lactate exchange rates from subcutaneous xenografts in mice on a 3T clinical platform. Full kinetic modelling provided a sensitive assay to detect significant treatment response induced by the PDK inhibitor, dichloroacetate, which exemplifies this technique as a superior analysis method when handling data from small animal cohorts.

clinicalcoiltreatmentlactateapparentkineticmicesliceexchangein vivosubcutaneousvolumeacquisitioncancerconstantsfittingmouse