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Abstract #3117

Measurement of Portal Venous Flow Using Phase-Contrast MRI at 9.4T: Preliminary Repeatability, Reproducibility and Invasive Validation Studies

Manil Chouhan1, 2, Alan Bainbridge3, Nathan Davies4, Rajiv Jalan4, Rajeshwar Mookerjee4, Simon Walker-Samuel2, Mark F. Lythgoe2, Shonit Punwani1, Stuart Taylor1

1UCL Centre for Medical Imaging, University College London, London, United Kingdom; 2UCL Centre for Advanced Biomedical Imaging, University College London, London, United Kingdom; 3Department of Medical Physics, University College Hospitals NHS Trust, London, United Kingdom; 4UCL Institute for Liver and Digestive Health, University College London, London, United Kingdom

The lack of robust non-invasive techniques for repeated measurement of liver blood flow has restricted understanding of the vascular changes underpinning chronic liver disease and the development of therapies to address these changes. Phase-contrast MRI has potential for portal venous flow quantification and in this study we demonstrate repeatability of phase-contrast MRI and present encouraging initial data demonstrating reproducibility of measurements and validation of flow quantification against invasive transit-time ultrasound measurements.
