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Abstract #3059

Reducing the Scan Time in Quantitative Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI of the Breast Using the Extended Graphical Model

Huijun Chen1, Matthew L. Olson2, Savannah C. Partridge3, William Kerwin3

1Tsinghua University, Beijing, China; 2University Of Washington, Seattle, WA, United States; 3University of Washington, Seattle, WA, United States

The Extended Graphical Model (EGM) has the ability to acquire accurate pharmacokinetic parameters (contrast transfer constant: Ktrans) using a shorter scan time than the widely used modified Kety/Tofts model in dynamic contrast enhanced (DCE) MRI of carotid atherosclerotic plaque. However, in the area of oncology, where DCE MRI and pharmacokinetic modeling are widely used in clinical research, the capability of the EGM has not been investigated. In this study, we sought to evaluate the EGM in breast imaging for use with a novel hybrid DCE MRI that provides separate high spatial and high temporal resolution datasets with full bilateral coverage.
