Slim Fellah1,
Olivier Chinot2, Nadine Girard1, 3, Maxime
Guye4, Virginie Callot5
de Rsonance Magntique Biologique et Mdicale (CRMBM), CNRS / Aix-Marseille Universit,
Marseille , France; 2Service de Neurochirurgie, Hpital de la
Timone, AP-HM, Marseille, France; 3Service de Neuroradiologie,
Hpital de la Timone, AP-HM, Marseille, France; 4Centre de
Rsonance Magntique Biologique et Mdicale (CRMBM), CNRS / Aix-Marseille
Universit, Marseille, France; 5Centre de Rsonance Magntique
Biologique et Mdicale (CRMBM), Aix-Marseille University, Marseille , France
In this study, we performed longitudinal MR follow-up of GBM treated with anti-angiogenics using a multimodal MR protocol. The investigations particularly involved arterial spin-labeling (ASL) and susceptibility weighted imaging (SWI). Both sequences provide vascular information that may be particularly appropriated to evaluate the anti-angiogenic response, in complement to RANO criteria.