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Abstract #0514

DCE-MRI Defined Subvolumes of a Tumor for Therapy Assessment

Reza Farjam1, Christina I. Tsien2, Felix Y. Feng2, Theodore S. Lawrence2, Yue Cao2

1Biomedical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United States; 2Radiation Oncology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United States

Analyzing the model-based physiological parameter maps derived from the DCE-MRI time series data is time consuming and may involve a series of uncertainties. Hence, we aim to develop a PCA-based model-free approach for delineating the response-driven subvolumes of a tumor by directly analyzing the DCE-MRI data for therapy assessment and guidance. Our results indicate that the PCA-defined subvolume of a tumor could predict the tumor response to therapy similar to the physiological-defined one while the PCA-defined subvolume can be delineated more quickly for guidance of the therapy.
