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Abstract #0527

Steady State MRA Techniques with a Blood Pool Contrast Agent Improve Visualization of Pulmonary Venous Anatomy Compared with Time Resolved MRA Pre and Post Catheter Ablation in Atrial Fibrillation

MAGNA25Rahul Rustogi1, Mauricio Galizia1, Jeremy Collins1, Darshit Thakrar1, James Carr1

1Radiology , Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, United States

Time resolved MRA is advantageous in the pulmonary circulation with its rapid arteriovenous transit time, allowing acquisition of pure pulmonary venous phase images, however increased temporal resolution comes at the cost of decreased spatial resolution. Proposed use of steady state MRA (inversion recovery FISP and FLASH sequences) with a blood pool agent can obviate the need to perform bolus timing while significantly increasing spatial resolution. Accurate assessment of anatomical variants such as early branching pattern of pulmonary veins before ablation and ostial stenosis post-ablation, is vital for catheter based ablation therapies for patients with atrial fibrillation.
