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Abstract #0370

Brain Rhythms Alterations & Their Effect in Functional Networks: A Simultaneous EEG/fMRI Study in Fixation-Off Epilepsy

Ana Beatriz Solana1, Juan Antonio Hernndez-Tamames1, Elena Molina1, Kenia Martnez2, Juan Jos Alcal1, Rafael Toledano3, Victoria San Antonio-Arce3, Irene Garca-Morales3, Antonio Gil-Nagel3, Ceferino Maestu1, Juan Alvarez-Linera3, Eva Alfayate4, Francisco del Pozo1

1Neuroimaging lab., Center for Biomedical Technology - Universidad Politcnica de Madrid and Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Pozuelo de Alarcn, Madrid, Spain; 2Universidad Autnoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain; 3Hospital Ruber Internacional, Madrid, Spain; 4Fundacin Reina Sofa - Fundacin CIEN, Madrid, Spain

The underlying mechanisms of Fixation Off Sensitivity and the characterization of a pure FOS epilepsy remain unclear. Here, we performed simultaneous EEG-fMRI in two FOS patients. The power fluctuations of the EEG rhythms were used in the fMRI analyses as regressores. Results showed different electrical patterns for both patients after eyes closure indicating different kind of FOS. Patients fMRI beta band maps included not only brain areas previously reported to be related to beta in control subjects, but also brain regions related to alpha. This finding suggests an alteration in the attentional networks in these patients.
