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Abstract #2400

In Vivo Detection of Glial Activity After Transient Forebrain Ischemia using Manganese-Enhanced MRI

Yuko Kawai1, Yuko Yasuda2, Narito Tateishi2, Masahiro Umeda1, Yasuharu Watanabe1, Toshihiro Higuchi3, Seiichi Furuya4, Shoji Naruse2,5, Setsuya Fujita2, Chuzo Tanaka3

1Medical Informatics, Meiji University of Integrative Medicine, Kyoto, Japan; 2Basic Research, Louis Pasteur Center for Medical Research, Kyoto, Japan; 3Neurosurgery, Meiji University of integrative Medicine, Kyoto, Japan; 4Radiology, Japanese Red Cross Kyoto Daiichi Hospita, Kyoto, Japan; 5Radiology, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, Kyoto, Japan

The four-vessel occlusion (4-VO) is famous as forebrain ischemia model that cause delayed neuronal cell death in the CA1 region of the rat hippocampus. Recently, the glial response to CNS injury is considered in the context of neuron-glial relationships. Manganese-enhanced MRI (MEMRI) is taken notice as useful molecular imaging technique for nervous system. In this study, signal enhancement upon the Manganese accumulation was observed in the CA1 region after 4-VO by the MEMRI. MEMRI will detect glial activity which related with about of the neural death. In addition this studies suggest that astrocytic change can precede neuronal death.