Hongxia Lei1,2, Elisabeth Dirren3,
Carol Poitry-Yamate1, Bernard L. Schneider3, Patrick
Aebischer3, Rolf Gruetter1,4
1Laboratory of Functional
& Metabolic Imaging, Ecole Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne, Lausanne,
Switzerland; 2Radiology, Univeristy of Lausanne, Lausanne,
Switzerland; 3Brain Mind Institute, Ecole Polytechnique Fdrale
de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland; 4Radiology, University of
Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
Multimodal and non-invasive studies of SOD1 mouse brain allow following metabolic changes longitudinally in G93A SOD1 mice, an animal model mimicking human ALS. Metabolic changes are observed at two different time-points -- before and after apparition of the symptoms -- suggesting that 1H MRS is an effective strategy towards identifying potential biomarkers of ALS during the early post-symptomatic phase.