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Abstract #1771

Hybrid Multibaseline & Referenceless PRF-Shift Thermometry using Both Water & Fat Images

William A. Grissom1, Lorne W. Hofstetter2, Viola Rieke3, Yoav Medan4, Kim Butts Pauly3, Cynthia E. Davis2

1GE Global Research, Munich, Germany; 2GE Global Research, Niskayuna, NY, United States; 3Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States; 4Insightec, Ltd, Tirat Carmel, Israel

Proton resonance frequency-shift thermometry is a promising technique to monitor thermal therapies in organs such as the breast and prostate, but is complicated by the presence of fat, organ motion, and the small size of these organs relative to typical hot spot sizes. While thermometry can be performed by suppressing fat, it can also be exploited as a reference to improve the separation of phase shifts caused by time-varying main field changes from temperature-induced phase shifts. We introduce an extension to the hybrid multibaseline subtraction and referenceless thermometry method that exploits the fat image as a reference to yield accurate temperature estimates that are robust to main field changes, large hot spot sizes, and motion in organs such as the prostate and breast that are surrounded by or contain fat.