Qiong Ye1, Alexander Fuchs1,
Markus Rudin1,2
1University & ETH
Zrich, Institute for Biomedical Engineering, Zrich, 8093,
Both hepatic lipids amount and their composition were accessed non-invasively with proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy on ob/ob, a well-established murine model of obesity, and their heterozygous ob/+ mice at 9.4T. In this work, the results from both ob/ob and ob/+ mice were compared. From the results, ob/ob mice showed significant higher hepatic lipid amount than ob/+ mice. Hepatic lipid from ob/ob mice were characterized with much more saturated components and longer molecular chain length. But no significant difference was obtained in the total unsaturated index, polyunsaturated bond index and total unsaturated bond index at the age of 24 weeks.