Paul Summers1,
Antonio Gregoraci2, Giuseppe Petralia1, Anna Caroli3,
Roberto Di Filippi1, Luca Antiga3, Massimo Bellomi1
1Department of
Radiology, European Institute of Oncology, Milan, Italy; 2Faculty
of Medicine & Surgery, University of Milan, Milan, Italy; 3Mario
Negri Institute, Bergamo, Italy
We examined the impact of prandial status, choice of b-values in one or three directions, and ROI definition on repeatability of whole liver ADC measurements in 10 healthy subjects. The inclusion of the b=0 image or limiting the b-values used to those greater than 700 s/mm2 significantly increased both the estimated mean ADC and its variability between subjects. Excluding these choices of b-values, intra- and intersubject standard deviations were similar (< 10%, and 15-22% respectively) for both 1 and 3 encoding directions. Prandial status and exclusion of visible vessels from the ROI had little effect on ADC.