Xiaoyan Pan1,2,
Martin Wilson1,2, Carmel McConville1, Julian L. Griffin3,
Theodoros N. Arvanitis2,4, Andrew C. Peet1,2, Risto A.
Sciences, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom; 2Oncology,
Birmingham Children's Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham, United
Kingdom; 3Biochemistry, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United
Kingdom; 4School of Electronic, Electrical & Computer
Engineering, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom; 5Department
of Radiology, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, USA
In this work, four brain tumour cell lines with different sensitivity to cisplatin were studied. DAPI-stained nuclei of cisplatin treated cells were demonstrated to identify cell death. 1HMRS was performed on the cisplatin treated brain tumour cells to investigate the metabolic change with treatment. The peaks at 7.98, 5.98 and 2.09 ppm assigned to UDP-GlcNAc and UDP-GalNAc were found to increase in the responding cells in the early events of cell death but not in non-responders. They change with similar kinetics to the 1HMRS-detected lipids during cell death.