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Abstract #4838

Detection and Improvement of Anti-Angiogenic Therapeutic Efficacy by Using Hemodynamic Response Imaging in Mice

Yifat Edrei1,2, Eitan Gross3, Nathalie Corchia1, Elia Dery1, Shmuel Ben-Sasson4, Rinat Abramovitch1,2

1The Goldyn Savad Inst. for Gene Therapy, Hadassah Hebrew University Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel; 2MRI/MRS lab HBRC, Hadassah Hebrew University Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel; 3Pediatric Surgery, Hadassah Hebrew University Medical Center; 4Experimental Medicine & Cancer Research, The Hebrew Universioty Hadassah Medical School

Since anti-angiogenic therapies may not lead to substantial tumor shrinkage, their effect is better imaged using perfusion imaging rather than tumor size measurement. Recently, we demonstrated the feasibility of Hemodynamic Response Imaging (HRI), an fMRI method combined with hypercapnia and hyperoxia, for monitoring changes in liver perfusion and hemodynamics. Here we show that a novel anti-angiogenic drug (Hamsa) reduces colorectal liver metastases growth and thus prolong mice survival. We assessed the therapeutic efficacy by HRI and revealed two types of response. By utilizing HRI we revealed the underlying mechanisim of Hamsa potential which hopefully would improve the Hamsa therapeutic potency.
