Jeong-Sik Yu1, Jae-Joon Chung, Joo Hee Kim,
Ki Whang Kim
1Radiology, Gangnam Severance Hospital,
Seoul, Korea, Republic of
the hepatocellular carcinomas, the presence of small satellite lesions is an
important determinant of a patients prognosis and therapeutic planning.
Through the results of our study DWI is superior to dynamic MRI in the
detection and characterization of subcentimeter lesions and can be added to
strengthen the accuracy in the MRI assessment of intrahepatic metastases of
HCCs. DWI could overcome the inherent drawbacks of dynamic MRI for the
hypervascular pseudolesions or obscured tumoral vascularities by the
perfusional changes in the background parenchyma serve as a complementary
tool for patients examined by dynamic MRI.