Vitaliy L. Rayz1, Loic Boussel2,
Liang Ge3, Joe R. Leach1, Alastair J. Martin1,
Michael T. Lawton4, David Saloner1
1Radiology, University of California
San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, United States; 2Creatis-LRMN
(LB, PCD), Lyon, France; 3Surgery, University of California San
Francisco; 4Neurological Surgery, University of California San
deposition in cerebral aneurysms presents an increased risk of
thrombo-embolism. The effect of increased flow residence time (RT) on
thrombus deposition was investigated using a new numerical flow visualization
technique. MR angiography and MR velocimetry data were used to construct
patient-specific numerical models of the flow in three basilar aneurysms with
known regions of thrombus deposition. The flow RT maps computed with CFD in
the base-line geometries were compared with intra-aneurysmal regions that
were observed to clot at the follow-up MRI studies. The results show that
intra-aneurysmal regions with increased flow residence time are prone to
thrombus deposition.