Yuri Zaitsu1, Kohsuke Kudo2, Rie
Yazu1, Kinya Ishizaka3, Noriyuki Fujima1,
Satoshi Terae1, Makoto Sasaki2, Hiroki Shirato1
1Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine, Sapporo,
Hokkaido, Japan; 2Advanced Medical Research Center, Iwate Medical
University, Japan; 3Hokkaido University Hospital, Japan
phase difference between vein and background tissue is able to lead oxygen
saturation in vein and flow. We propose a new formula, in which arterial
oxygen saturation is taken into account, to calculate venous flow change
using phase information. The purpose of this study is to compare two formulas
(previous studies and our proposal), in the measurements of venous flow
change under the drug and physiological load, and to compare the results with
cerebral blood flow change measured by arterial spin labeling (ASL)
technique. The flow calculating from previous formula had no correlation with
CBF changes using ASL, whereas, the flow calculating from present one had
weak correlation. The flow formula corrected arterial oxygen saturation
supposes to be more useful than previous formula without correction.