Matthan W.A.
Caan1,2, M. M. van der Graaff1, S. D. Olabarriaga1,
C. A. Grimbergen1, L. J. van Vliet2, F. M. Vos1,2
1Radiology, Academic Medical Center,
Amsterdam, North-Holland, Netherlands; 2Imaging Science and
Technology, Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands
Diffusion Weighted MRI, the diffusion weighting should be high enough to
facilitate fiber tracking through crossings. We propose to estimate a dual
tensor model on an entire cohort with low diffusion weighting and a limited
number of gradient directions. Diffusion attenuation profiles of multiple
subjects are regarded as realizations of a single underlying fiber
distribution. Non-rigid coregistration ensures spatial correspondence.
Increased angular resolution is ensured by random subject positioning in the
scanner, as well as by anatomical heterogeneity. In our dual tensor atlas, we
tracked fibers which proceeded contralaterally through the decussation of the
superior cerebellar peduncle.