Jeff F. Dunn1,2, Calvin K. Young1,3,
Ursula I. Tuor1,4, Campbell Teskey1,5, Brian H. Bland1,3
1Hotchkiss Brain Institute, University
of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada; 2Department of Radiology,
University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada; 3Department of
Psychology, University of Calgary; 4NRC Institute of
Biodiagnostics, University of Calgary; 5Departments of Cell
Biology and Anatomy/ Psychology, University of Calgary
brain stimulation has been successful at treating Parkinsons disease and has
potential for treating other disorders. Neuroconnectivity between regions is
important in understanding functional outcome. We stimulated within the
posterior hypothalamic nuclei in a rat model (which has been shown to reduce
haloperidol and 6-OHDA lesion induced akinesia). We used a novel implantable
electrode suitable for use at 9.4T. fMRI responses in the cortex and other
regions were monitored. Large regions of the cortex (bilateral) and
hippocampus show a positive BOLD response. This extensive neuroconnectivity
helps explain the positive response to DBS in the posterior hypothalamic