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Abstract #2644

Ω-3 Fatty Acid Detection by L-COSY in Human Bone Marrow at 3T

Saadallah Ramadan1, Robert V. Mulkern2, Carolyn E. Mountford1

1Radiology, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA, United States; 2Radiology, Childrens Hospital, Boston, MA, United States

3 is an essential fatty acid (FA) that cannot be synthesized in the body and is obtained by diet. In the human body, essential FA serve multiple functions including neuroprotective functions, mood, behavior and prevents inflammation. There are two types of s-3 FAs: eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), both of these molecular structures end with R-HC=CH-CH2-CH3. We investigated possibility of detecting -3 in human bone marrow, at 3T, using localised one dimensional (1D) (PRESS) and localized two-dimensional (2D) correlation spectroscopy (L-COSY).

peakmarrowboneliverpeakscrossin vivospectradiagonalspectrumhumanmethylphantomspectralaciddetectedlocalizedtibialcouplingdimensionaldisorderdoubletfrequencyfunctionslongmethylenerespectivelysimulatedspectroscopytripletundertakenversionweakwidthacquisitionadiposeamplitudebetterbipolarbodycarrierdetectdetectionessentialfattyfragmenthealthhealthyhospitalidentityincrementsinflammationnotepresspulsepulsesradiologyrepresentshapesinestudiessuppressiontissuetookwaterwomenzeroabnormalitiesadjacent