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Abstract #2557

Lung Inflation State Dominates Over Intrapulmonary PO2 Regarding T2* of 3He in Human Lungs

Martin H. Deppe1, Salma Ajraoui1, Helen Marshall1, Jim M. Wild1

1Academic Radiology, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, Yorkshire, United Kingdom

This work investigates the influence of O2 on the T2* of hyperpolarized 3He in human lungs. To separate the effect of O2 from the known lung inflation dependence, T2* maps were obtained at expiration and full inspiration, both at baseline breathing air and after 4 min of pure O2. It is found that the effect of lung inflation dominates over any potential O2 effect, which is proposed to be due to a combination of motional narrowing and the fact that 3He is distributed over the whole alveolus, while 1H spins are confined to the interfaces, where susceptibility gradients are strongest.
