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Abstract #2388

Regional Absolute Quantification in Neurochemical Profile of the Canine Brain: Investigation by Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Tissue Extraction

Dong-Cheol Woo1, Chi-Bong Choi2, Sung-Ho Lee3, Eunjung Bang4, Sang-Soo Kim1, Hyang-Shuk Rhim1, Sang-Young Kim1, Bo-Young Choe1

1The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; 2Kyung-Hee University of Korea; 3Konkuk university of Korea; 4Korea Basic Science Institute

This study was to characterize the regional neurochemical profiles of canine brain using NMRS, tissue extraction, and external simulated phantom concentration quantification. The occipital, frontal, and temporal lobes, thalami, cerebellar cortices, and spinal cords of adult beagles were obtained, and NMR samples were prepared using M/C extraction method. The metabolite concentrations in canine brain tissues were measured and compared with those found in human and rat brain. In addition, the cross peaks of brain metabolites were identified using 2D-COSY. This study demonstrated the absolute quantification of canine neuronal parts using MRS, with tissue extraction used to measure metabolite concentrations.
