Xuxia Wang1,
Fuchun Lin1, Tingzhu Lin1, Hao Lei1
1Wuhan Institute of Physics &
Mathematics, The Chinese
this study, diffusion tensor imaging and high resolution rapid-acquisition
relaxation-enhancement (RARE) imaging were used to detect the morphological
and structural changes in the brain of rats subjected to early bilateral
enucleation at postnatal day 4. Profound atrophy was observed in the ON and
OCH of the enucleated rats, likely a manifestation of transneuronal
degeneration induced by deafferentation. The optic tract of the enucleated
rats did not appear to be atrophic, but exhibited water diffusion
abnormalities resembling those found in Wallerian degeneration. The primary
visual cortex of the enucleated rats showed no changes in water diffusivity.