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Abstract #2284

On the Advantage of Data Driven Analysis in Aphasic Patients with Severe Language Latency

Maria Engstrm1, Mattias Ragnehed2, Peter Lundberg3

1IMH/Radiological Sciences/CMIV, Linkping University, Linkping, Sweden; 2IKE/Technical Audiology/CMIV, Linkping University; 3IMH/Radiation Physics/CMIV, Linkping University

Language fMRI in aphasic patients are exceptionally challenging. The patients often have latency in responding to cognitive tasks. Using a data-driven approach for analysis might enable extraction of language networks even if the task is not performed at the intended pacing. In this study, five patients with chronic aphasia were examined. Conventional analysis did not result in language activation in most patients. When using a data-driven approach, four out of five patients elicited language related networks. It was concluded that language areas in patients with aphasia could be extracted using data driven analysis even if the conventional fMRI analysis fails.
