Sara Maria Sprinkhuizen1, Chris J. Bakker1,
Lambertus Wilhelmus Bartels1
1Radiology, Image Sciences Institute,
Utrecht, Netherlands
(χ) related field changes are commonly ignored in the application of
proton resonance frequency shift (PRFS)-based MR thermometry (MRT) during
thermal interventions, even though the temperature dependence of the χ
of fat is in the same order of magnitude as the temperature dependence of the
chemical shift of water. Its influence on PRFS-based MRT maps was
investigated experimentally. The results showed that changes in χ
fat hamper the PRFS-based MRT method nonlocally. The measured errors
were ranging between -4.6 C and +4.1 C. Important to stress is the fact
that fat suppression is not a solution for this effect.