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Abstract #1507

Time Division Multiplexed - Sensitivity Encoding (TDM-SENSE) with a Mechanically Rotating RF Coil

Adnan Trakic1, Hua Wang1, Ewald Weber1, Bing Keong Li1, Michael Poole1, Feng Liu1, Stuart Crozier1

1The School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, Australia

While mechanically rotating a RF coil about an object being imaged brings a number of hardware advantages as was shown in recent studies, the approach violates the time-invariant definition of the Fourier Transform. This work presents Time Division Multiplexed - Sensitivity Encoding (TDM-SENSE) as a new alias-free image reconstruction and scan time acceleration scheme dedicated to the rotating RF coil (RRFC). In this initial study, two-fold scan time reduction was achieved by increasing the signal sampling rate and the angular frequency of coil rotation.
