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Abstract #1506

A Double-Tuned 1H/23Na Two Element Phased Array System for in Vivo 23Na Magnetic Resonance Microscopy at 7 T

Friedrich Wetterling1, Ute Molkenthin2, Sven Junge2, Andrew John Fagan3

1School of Physics, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland; 2Bruker BioSpin GmbH, Ettlingen, Germany; 3Centre for Advanced Medical Imaging, St. Jamess Hospital, Dublin, Ireland

The aim of this study was to develop a 23Na two-element phased array as part of a double-tuned 23Na/1H resonator system to maximize the 23Na SNR and acquire 23Na-Magnetic Resonance Microscopy (23Na-MRM) images together with high resolution anatomical 1H MRM images without the need to change the coil system during the experiment. The coil element decoupling was optimized by using two-winding detector elements - a novel approach to improve detector element decoupling in noise-matched phased array designs. An SNR improvement of 25 % in favour of the phased array coil was measured at a depth of 12 mm compared to a transceiver surface coil, which most likely derived from the better detector element decoupling.

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