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Abstract #1495

A Numerically Optimised Receive-Only Coil Array at 3 T

Andreas Peter1, Stefan Schonhardt1, Jan G. Korvink1,2

1University of Freiburg - IMTEK, Freiburg, Germany; 2Freiburg Institute of Advanced Studies (FRIAS), Freiburg, Germany

In this contribution, we present the optimisation of a 2D coil array in order to decouple all adjacent and next neighbouring coils simultaneously. We have extended the geometric overlapping approach to non-adjacent elements by shape-optimisation of the coil elements. A combination of Matlab and FastHenry was used to optimise an array of seven elements at 3 T. From the optimised design, we produced a set of PCBs of the single hexagonal elements on a flexible polyimide substrate. All adjacent elements showed an isolation of > 25 dB, the next neighbouring elements even > 30 dB.