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Abstract #1303

Molecular Imaging of Myocardial Inflammation in Experimental Autoimmune Myocarditis Rats with Magnetofluorescent Nanoparticles

Hyeyoung Moon1, Hyo Eun Park2, Quan-Yu Cai1, Jongeun Kang1, Kiyuk Chang2, Kwan Soo Hong1

1Magnetic Resonance Imaging Team, Korean Basic Science Institute, Ochang-Myun, Cheongwon-Gun, Korea, Republic of; 2Department of Internal Medicine, Catholic University, Seoul, Korea, Republic of

In this study, we investigated whether magnetic nanoparticle-contrasted cardiac magnetic resonance imaging would be feasible and effective for the detecting the inflammation in a rat model of experimental autoimmune myocarditis, and whether MNP-contrasted CMR imaging could give a guidance where the biopsy samples should be collected.
