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Abstract #1287

Fast Quantitative Measurement of T1 in Cardiac Delay Enhanced Studies

Matteo Milanesi1, Luca Marinelli2, Christopher J. Hardy2, Vincenzo Positano1, Piergiorgio Masci1, Andrea Barison1, Maria F. Santarelli3, Luigi Landini4, Massimo Lombardi1, Thomas K. Foo2

1"G. Monasterio" Foundation, Pisa, Italy; 2Global Research Center, General Electric, Niskayuna, NY, United States; 3Institute of Clinical Physiology, National Research Council, Pisa, Italy; 4Department of Information Engineering, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy

In this work a Cine Inversion Recovery pulse sequence is presented to quantify T1 values in myocardial delay enhancement studies. FastSPGR with low flip angle is used to sample the exponential spin relaxation during the first heart beat following an adiabatic inversion pulse. The subsequent heart beat is left to allow full T1 recovery. Four patients with suspicion of heart diseases were enrolled in the study, and acquisition carried out at 1.5T scanner. Cine-IR showed T1 values higher for viable myocardium than for non-viable. These and blood pool estimated T1, were found to be close to those reported in literatures.
