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Abstract #0745

In Vivo Hepatic Localized Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy at 7T in a Glycogen Storage Disease Mouse Model

Nirilanto Ramamonjisoa1, Hlne Ratiney1, Fabienne Rajas2, Elodie Mutel2, Frank Pilleul1,3, Olivier Beuf1, Sophie Cavassila1

1Universit de Lyon, CREATIS-LRMN; CNRS UMR 5220; Inserm U630; INSA-Lyon; Universit Lyon 1, Villeurbanne, France; 2Inserm U855; Universit Lyon1, Facult de Mdecine Laennec, Lyon, France; 3Imagerie Digestive - CHU, Hospices Civils de Lyon, Lyon, France

In vivo 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) was used to evaluate the hepatic steatosis in a mouse model of GSD1a under two different diets, a standard- and a high fat diet. Accumulation of hepatic fat and fat composition within the liver were assessed. The estimated MRS profiles for both groups (Figure 2) showed significant differences for the lipid methyl resonances at 0.9ppm. Both estimated levels of the methylene resonances (1.3ppm) were significantly higher than the estimates obtained for control mice fed on standard diet. Based on MR imaging observations, 90% of the mice fed on high-fat diet exhibited adenomas in the liver while none fed on standard diet. These measurements will give insight into the understanding of the onset and progression of adenomas in a mouse model of GSD1a under different diets

livermicediethepaticmousemodelfattycompositiondietsin vivowateracidsanimallocalizedpatientsspectroscopyspectrumaccordingaccumulationcarbohydratecontroldeviation